Privacy policy

How we process your personal information


This Privacy Policy provides information about our processing of the personal data of visitors to (hereinafter individually „You”, “User” or jointly “Users”). We would like to present yo you the information regarding the processing of your personal data in relation to GDPR , with reference to your use of our website.

Controller of personal data

The controller of your personal data is Mr. Mikołaj Jabłoński, conducting business as "SEMIFLAT MIKOŁAJ JABŁOŃSKI" with his registered office at Wielicka 57C/1 in Kraków, Poland, NIP (tax identification number): PL6793194024 (hereinafter the "Controller").


If you wish to obtain more information on the processing of your personal data, please don't hesitate to contact us via email:

Purposes and legal basis of personal data processing

We would like to inform you that the processing of your personal data will take place for the following purposes:

  • In case you are our potential customerTo conclude a contract, in this case the legal basis for the processing of your personal data will be taking action at your request before the conclusion of the contract – art. 6 par. 1 pt. b) of GDPR;
  • In case you are our clientin order to perform the contract, in this case, the legal basis for processing your personal data will be the performance of the contract – art. 6 par. 1 pt. b) of GDPR but also to perform our tax responsibilities related to our contract. In this case, the legal basis for the processing of your data will be compliance with a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject;
  • In case you give us consentfor our marketing contact with you, in this case, the legal basis for processing your data will be your consent – art. 6 par. 1 pt. a) of GDPR,
  • In case you contact us through our contact formto get more information about Semiflat services and products (i.e., in matters unrelated to the performance of the contract entered)– to answer your questions, in this case, the legal basis for processing your personal data will be our legitimate interest - art. 6 par. 1 pt. f) of GDPR,
  • in case you visit our profile on Instargram, Linkedin, Clutch, Dribbble, or other social networkor use these plugins on our website to promote our services on social media; in this case, the legal basis for the processing of your data will be our legitimate interest - art. 6 par. 1 pt. f) of GDPR,
  • In order to pursuit our possible claimsor defend against your possible claims which may arise in connection with our cooperation – based on art. 6 par. 1 pt. f) of GDPR, which is the Controller's legitimate interest.

Personal data, which we collect

These are personal data that you provide to us via our contact form; only an email address is required to send us a message. In practice, the scope of personal data we process depends mainly on the User themselves and what information they decide to disclose to us. However, we only process the data necessary to provide our services. Provision of personal data by the User is voluntary but necessary for processing. Failure to provide such data or a request to cease processing such data will prevent us from fulfilling our services.

Access to personal data and sharing of personal data with other recipients

We and our employees can access your personal data to the extent that this access is required to enable them to perform their work for us. In addition, your personal data may be transferred to third parties whose services we use in connection with the operation of our website, i.e.:

  • Hosting service providers
  • Email and contact form services providers
  • Social networking owners
  • Accountancy services providers

Moreover, data provided by Users can be forwarded to an appropriate public authority if it's demanded by the law.

Personal data transfer outside the European Economic Area

Your personal data will be transferred outside of the European Economic Area only on the legal basis specified in the provisions of the GDPR. We transfer your personal data to the USA in connection with:

  • Analyzing website traffic using Google Analytics
    Personal data will be transfer to Google LLC, USA, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, 94043),
  • Managing the contact form
    Personal data will be transferred to Formspree, Inc. (21750 Hardy Oak Blvd, San Antonio, Texas, 78258, USA),
  • Hosting our website
    Personal data will be transferred to GoDaddy East, LLC (GoDaddy, 2155 E. GoDaddy Way, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA),
  • Visits to our profile
    On Instagram or using the social plugin on our website - personal data may be transferred to Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, which in specific cases may transfer a particular scope of your personal data to its related companies which have registered offices in the USA (in particular Meta Platforms Inc.);

    The legal basis for transferring your personal data to the above-mentioned companies with registered offices in the USA and the legal mechanism that secures that transfer is the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission. You can find more information about the processing of personal data by these companies on their websites:

    Google LLC Privacy & terms
    Formspree Inc. Formspree Security
    GoDaddy East, LLC Data Processing Addendum
    Meta Platforms Inc. Privacy Policy

Time of storing personal data

We store the User’s personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the User has been informed. In connection with the above, we process personal data as follows:

  • Negotiation of the contract
    Until the end of the negotiation process regarding the conclusion of the contract,
  • Performance of the contract
    For the duration of the agreement and after its termination, until the end of the period of limitation for any claims arising under the agreement,
  • Perform our tax responsibilities
    Until the cessation of the 5-year period counted from the end of the tax year during which the Controller's tax obligation appeared.
  • Marketing contact
    Until the consent is withdrawn, the User has the right to withdraw their consent at any time by emailing Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing of User data, which was performed based on this consent before its withdrawal.
  • Contact form
    For the period necessary to achieve the Controller's legitimate interest, but no longer than until you effectively place an objection to the processing of your personal data,
  • Visits to our profile
    For the period necessary to achieve the controller's legitimate interest, but no longer than until you (the User) effectively place an objection to the processing of your personal data.

In order to prove accountability regarding abiding by the regulations concerning the processing of personal data, we will store the data or the documents containing them for the required duration of time to meet the legal requirements and allow the data to be verified by the authorities.

Time of storing peUser rights in relation to personal data processingrsonal data

Due to the protection of your personal data, you have the right to:

  • Access your personal data and receive their copies
  • Rectify your personal data and supplement them if necessary
  • Erase your personal data or restrict their processing
  • Object to processing of your personal data
  • Transfer your personal data
  • Lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority
    The President of Personal Data Protection Office – address: Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.

We will reply to your demand without delay, but not later than within one month after receiving it. Your personal data are not profiled by us, and are not subject to any other form of automated processing, resulting in making decisions that cause legal effects to you or have a similar effect on you.

Cookies, server logs and other technologies

We will reply to your demand without delay, but not later than within one month after receiving it. Your personal data are not profiled by us and are not subject to any other form of automated processing, resulting in making decisions that cause legal effects to you or have a similar effect on you.

We use cookies to ensure the website's proper operation, as well as for statistical and analytical purposes. It is also possible to use them for marketing purposes if you have previously given your consent. When you visit our website for the first time, you can choose which cookies you agree to and which you do not.

Using the website involves sending questions to the server on which the website is stored. Each query is archived in server logs, which include, e.g., the date, time, and IP related to a particular visit on the server's website. The logs are saved and stored on the server. The data stored in the server logs are not associated with any specific persons using the website and are not used by the Controller for the purpose of your identification. The server logs are only auxiliary material used to administer the Site, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except those authorized to administer the server.

  • Google Analytics tracking code
    To analyze website statistics;
  • Pixel (Facebook)
    To analyze your behavior on our website and manage Facebook ads;

We also use the following social plugins. The use of plugins will result in a direct link to our profile on the server of the relevant social network. If you visit our website while logged in to your social media profile, they can register information about your visit. Social networking sites do not provide information about the purpose or scope of the collected data or how they are used. If you want to avoid social networking sites being able to obtain information about your visits to our website, we advise you to log out of your account on a given social networking site in advance. The purpose, scope, and possibilities of changing cookie settings of external entities are independent of us and are described in the privacy policies of individual service providers, the addresses of which are given below:

Final information

If necessary, we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy to comply with changes in the law and applicable privacy standards or to reflect changes in our website.

“Today, too many people view artificial intelligence (AI) as another magical technology that’s being put to work with little understanding of how it works. They view AI as special and relegated to experts who have mastered and dazzled us with it. In this environment, AI has taken on an air of mysticism with promises of grandeur, and out of the reach of mere mortals. The truth, of course, is there is no magic to AI.”

Rob Thomas
Senior VP, Software and CCO at IBM
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